Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Monuments to war and loss

Across Banja Luka -- no it's true of Bosnia at large -- new monuments and memorials to the war are appearing. I realize how many I seem to have taken pictures of and there is probably a story to be done about what exactly they represent.

The one on the left here is a monument to 12 babies who died in a Banja Luka maternity ward because  there was no way to get oxygen they needed delivered. The Security Council in 1993 had a ban on flights over BiH. Wording on a plague near the monument refers to the deaths as a "crime" and blames "world powers that be" for it. The dead 12, it says, stand for all the kids lost in the ugly battling.

To the right: this sculpture is new and stands for lives ripped out of the fabric of the community. The chip-like monument to the left is in the front yard of a computer factory and strikes the same theme of lives separated from the whole.

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