Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The yams did it

I went to my book club meeting Tuesday night and got a big surprise. The woman who hosted it and thus was in charge of refreshments served up an entire American Thanksgiving. Ham and turkey. Mashed potatoes and green beans. Stuffing and yams and cranberry and bread. "Where did she find yams in Bosnia?" we cooed. "How do you say cranberries in Bosnian?"

I got homesick eating my first real American food in eight months. The feeling is lingering.

The only thing off was the "pumpkin pie." Bosnians had gigantic pumpkins but they don't taste the same and their idea of pie is different from ours. This pumpkin pie consisted of a cream filling topped with whipped cream and spotted with diced squash. I ate the brownies instead.

In my next care package, Jennifer.... a can of pumpkin filling please!

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